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The Board

Lisa Earley

Lisa is currently a Human Resources professional in Arlington, VA.  She is an Ohio native and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism/Public Relations from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Lisa spent the majority of her professional career, nearly 30 years, in the field of education – working at Georgia Tech, The Ohio State University, and for non-profit education organizations in Boston, MA and Columbus, OH.


She has a passion for education, the performing arts and writing. Lisa considers herself a public servant, and she has devoted much of her life to giving back to othersthrough countless volunteer opportunities.  Her belief is, “If I can help somebody along the way, then my living will not have been in vain.”  Lisa strongly believes that God blesses us so that we can then “be a blessing” to someone else.

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Gloria Earley

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Joseph L. Earley, Sr.

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Vice President

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Andrea Mulkey

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Chief Financial Officer


Lisa Earley

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Racina Burke

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Angelic Dean

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Scholarship Coordinator

Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

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Brian S. Earley

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Mentor Recruitment

By Check

Send Check or Money Order to

The Joseph L. Earley, Jr. Foundation

P.O. Box 328624

Columbus, OH 43232


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 614-397-2019

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